안녕하세요 망짱입니다~ㅎ 요즘 이것저것 일이 많아서(?) 프로필 사진이 필요했어요!
그래서 앱을 써볼까 고민했는데 필요하니까 이번엔 사진을 찍어보자!
강남 프로필 사진으로 유명한 소솜스튜디오에서 촬영했어요!
사진찍는게 재밌어…? 잘 나올 것 같나요..? 의구심이 들었는데 생각보다 잘 나와서 아주 만족스럽습니다!
프로필 사진 촬영후기부터 가격까지 다 알려드려요!
서울시 강남구 언주로 432-8 소솜 스튜디오 본점 다보빌딩 지하 1층
제가 프로필 사진을 찍은 곳은
작년에도 여기서 증명사진을 찍었어요~ ㅎㅎ 이번에는 프로필 사진까지 찍게 되었어요*_*전에 한 번 가본 적이 있어서 익숙해져서 편했어요. 내가 그랬어
패키지로 사진을 찍으면 이런 느낌…!
마치 미니포커 같아요~ㅎㅎ
이번에 소솜스튜디오가 와디즈 펀딩을 오픈했는데, 본인의 증명사진 프로젝트와 레인그리너리, NT크릴리의 컨셉촬영, 헴메 협찬 등 풀코스 패키지가 있었습니다.
지금 찍는거 다 찍어볼게요^^!
그리고 이 패키지로~ ㅎㅎ 다 하면 프로필 사진 가격이 88만원인데 와디즈에서 프로필 사진 가격 패키지를 75만원에 제시했는데 심지어 품절이라니…!
프로필을 못 진행하네요 지금 사진가격 ㅠㅠ콘셉트+내모습+방황으로 45만원이면 가능하다고 하네요!
와디즈에서 소솜스튜디오를 검색해서 확인해보세요~ㅎ 11월 13일까지만 진행되니 서둘러주세요!
우선 도착해서 가장 먼저 한 일은 헤어와 메이크업이었어요!
평소에는 민낯으로 가야 하는데, 기본 메이크업으로 가서 살짝 닦아낸 후 진행했어요. 프로필 사진을 찍으신다면 맨얼굴로 가는 걸 추천드려요!
전성기 메이크업은 김혜주 원장님에게 받았는데 딱 맞게 바르는 게 제 취향이었어요. 약간 봄 느낌이 나는 따뜻한 스타일인 것 같아요 ㅎㅎ @heyday_mup 인스타그램을 보시면 제가 좋아하는 스타일이에요. 굉장히 온화하고 차분한 스타일인데 좀 친근한 스타일이에요. 어떤 스타일을 좋아하시나요? 블링+핑크 스타일이 마음에 든다고 물어보니 딱 딱 원하던대로 해주셨네요^^~ 이날 사용한 블러셔가 너무 맘에 들어서 사진찍어 따로 보관해두었어요^^ (게시할께요) 너무 빨리 리뷰네요 ㅎㅎ) 한시간 정도 돌아다녔어요!
그 사이에도 계속 내 취향을 물어보셔서 더 마음에 들었어요. 개인적으로 제 취향이 아니면 너무 어색할까봐 걱정했는데 다행히 딱 딱 맞게 해주셔서 좋았어요>
I wore a pink dress because I wanted to challenge myself with something I've never worn before rather than something too classic, and I felt proud when people said it looked good on me. Then, the profile photo shoot began...!
In fact, while filming, I thought, ‘Am I doing a good job..?’ I did it ㅠㅠBut it was much easier and more fun as I followed the photographer's instructions(?). Hehe, he kept saying 'I like the facial expression,, I just have to do it well,,' while doing it haha. That was very impressive. The original was also very impressive. Didn’t it come out pretty well,,? No,, I took a profile picture - selected the picture - and edited it, and it was very fast and it was so amazing *_* I like the flower on the face haha The one on the right is my favorite. This is the finished shot like this..!
This became my favorite photo of the day. I really like it. Since I can't take photos with this concept on my own, I can only take photos like this when taking profile photos. It came out really well and I'm even more satisfied!
And now, I changed the look a little and took an ID photo for the ID photo patience project!
The point is to take the photo wearing my clothes, but when I think about it, I took a photo wearing this outfit last year, and now I'm wearing this outfit again haha. Since I had it loose, I was told to try a half-bundle this time, so I did a half-bundle in a slightly IU-style (lol) style. I also like it like this^^,, This time, I tried taking pictures in various poses!
It really wasn't difficult because she held all the poses for me!
Here's another picture that was completed like that... !
I like it because the correction was done really neatly^^~I'm using this as my Instagram profile picture for another account. Maybe it's because of the clothes, but it looks like a one-time instructor style haha. By the way, they also give selfie time in between~haha. Be sure to leave plenty of selfies^^!
I really don't take selfies much these days, but I really liked the makeup I put on for my profile photo, so I think I took 100 photos. The last photo was taken with a bit of a heavy concept in Anticrilly, but that's what I was most worried about...!
I always have a bright style. I only took concept photos, but I was worried because it was my first time with this style. I was worried that the makeup wouldn't suit me because it's a smoky style, but I was happy to hear that this suits me better than the bright one. It was a fun experience, especially since it was makeup I couldn't normally wear^^ ~ㅎBut fortunately, this time too^^~ The instructions were good, so I just had to follow them. Especially, as long as I followed the pose carefully, it was done~ㅎ This is the photo that was completed. It's really perfect!
Isn't it a profile photo shoot with a concept? It was fun because it had a unique concept. Haha, I grabbed the candy and ate it. Actually, it's really hard after finishing the photo shoot like this, but..!
It's also fun to see the correction being done*_*ㅎ It's amazing and he touches it naturally, but his hands are faster and it's even more fun. It feels like playing a game, and even the correction copy is so good~ I love being able to receive it right away*_* I received it right away without shipping. You can see it!
After the correction is completed, they put it in a box like this. The package was so pretty that it felt a bit like a gift!
It was very pretty because the photos were full. Hehe, the stickers on the left are made by Sosom Studio!
I feel like it would be nice to decorate by attaching those stickers>< I had so much fun taking profile pictures that I really want to try it again next time~ㅎ Profile pictures are a bit expensive, but if you take them in a package like this, you can get them done at a cheaper price>< 다들 주목하세요!